Lately I have been thinking about what makes a relationship work? There are all the ordinary answers love, respect, trust and the list goes on. Of course these answers are all true, and are undeniable. However, I always felt as though there might be one key answer, one answer that would link all the others. For me that answer is Consideration.
Consideration defined in as careful thought; meditation; deliberation, something that is or is to be kept in mind in making a decision, thoughtful or sympathetic regard or respect; thoughtfulness for others, as well as a thought or reflection to name a few.
Imagine that, imagine how simple life would be if you considered your mate and your mate considered you. Think about the arguments that could be avoided, the mistakes that could be sidetracked. It is usually when I have skipped the necessary step which is to think about the next person that I create an error in judgement.
Have you really listened to your partner lately? In your last decision did you factor him/her in? Or are you on cruise control? I like that, because cruise control is a quick way to fall asleep and get into an accident.
Another quick definition of consideration is estimation; esteem. Do you hold your partner in great esteem? That also goes a long way. I notice that when someone is held in great esteem, people will tend to do a little extra for them. A great example of this is when the President comes to town, the town will close their streets, create welcoming signs, prepare a speech. What do you do for your significant other when they're around to show them their worth?
Consideration is also defined as a recompense or payment, as for work done; compensation. A job well done should never be ignored in a relationship, whether it happens all the time or its a once in a blue occurrence. Reward the good times, the good deeds and most likely they will continue.
I strongly encourage you to try consideration, even in the smallest of things, practice it daily with everyone you meet. I bet you will see life in a new light. And hopefully maybe you can encourage others to do the same. Consideration is definitely weighed in as 1 Ton a complete priority.
Weighing Consideration
Submitted by: Jamees Wright
Weight Total: 1 Ton Priority
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