In a world of change, discovery and extreme variety we as humans come across Choices on a daily basis. Simple choices like what to eat, what to wear or maybe what to watch on television on a given night. Life changing choices such as where to live, who to love, or the choice of occupation. Let me back up here because sometimes your choice on what to eat, wear or watch on television at night can become life changing depending on your given situation.
But this entry is more about the most common life changing choices that we come across. A Choice is defined in as an act or instance of choosing, the right, power, opportunity to choose; the option. If you have ever felt down, perhaps helpless did you use your right, power or opportunity to choose a different scenario for yourself? Have you realized you have the option to do so?
A choice is also defined as an alternative, an abundance of variety from which to choose. Speaking from my own experiences I believe sometimes variety can be scary, sometimes the alternative is not as good as what you have been doing. But that is all fine and dandy as long as the status quo satisfies you, and if not well maybe its time to shop around.
A choice is also something that is preferred or preferable to others; the best part of something. If you're lucky to find your preference at your first job or living where you grew up; I say great for you. But if not, don't be afraid to find out if you have the preferred, the best for you, by moving to a new location, trying a new hobby, or perhaps start with spaghetti with three cheeses instead of just the one.
I believe the most important definitions of Choice are; a carefully selected supply, worthy of being chosen, carefully selected. If I learned anything about choices, it is that each one you make there is always another side, a choice not chosen. When we dwell on the choices we didn't make it can often lead to regret. However if we make careful selections and make a point to remember the reasons for the chosen you may realize that you have made the right choice.
Choices have a weight of about 800 lbs because they are important but are not the priority. I believe enjoying the choices you make, learning from them, and preparing for the next choices are the priorities in life.
Weighing Choices
Submitted by: Jamees Wright
Weight Total: 800 lbs Important
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