If you are into football, you heard about it. A question was asked, and an answer was given. Eli Manning was asked, "Do you feel you are an elite quarterback, in the same class with Tom Brady?" He answered back with what I have always thought as the most acceptable answer, "“I consider myself in that class,” Manning said assuredly.
What other answer should we have expected from Eli? Should he have said that he doesn't quite match up, should he have said he wasn't elite? When you are asked your worth, do you shoot for the stars or do you aim for the trees? What if Eli Manning had said he wasn't elite, would he be a second time Super Bowl MVP today? I think his chances would have decreased significantly. For how can you bring forth greatness if you don't believe it exists in you?
One of the aspects of believing in yourself, I was taught by my older brother Anthony, at a very young age in reference to basketball. He told me, "Jamees if you practice hard, and know that you have practiced harder than anyone else, it is easy to believe you deserve to be on the court, that you deserve to take the last shot, that you deserve to say you are one of the best players." What many people do not know about Eli is how hard working he is beyond practice, how he works with his receivers beyond the call of duty. This is how he was able to win a second championship with a different set of receivers, and how he constantly helps to make a name for unknown receivers. It is the practice and the hard work that allows you to believe and speak things into fruition.
However practice is behind the scenes, and so many do not see this side of greatness. So instead my younger brother Jerome and I scoped the backlash Eli received for answering this question honestly. He received snickers from panelists, hands thrown up in disbelief, and angry comparisons spewing out of the mouths of nonbelievers. He was even discredited for the Super Bowl championship he already won. (In my opinion, there was no need for that.) But this type of feedback happens, especially when you believe in yourself when others are not quite convinced. This happens when you dare to write history in advance when others can not see it. This happens when you speak things into fruition.
Eli Manning wrote history, he created a story and he became to everyone else what he already knew he was an Elite Quarterback. Not only that, he did it in a way that proved that his first Championship was not a fluke. And while I mentioned the word fluke, let me clearly define it as an accidental advantage, stroke of good luck, a chance happening. All those who have won a Super Bowl, and have attempted to win any competitive game knows that a bit of luck is definitely involved underneath a skill set. However, in the NFL playoffs, when you are battling the best of the best in one of the most competitive games out there a fluke happening could only help so much.
A fluke could be defined as Baltimore missing a kick that would have sent them into overtime, allowing The Patriots to participate in this year's Super Bowl. However, a fluke is not a game winning drive when a touchdown is needed. No matter how you twist and turn that scenario, skills had to be involved. I say all that to say this, for those who thought it was a fluke before, they were able to see what a fluke could not produce which is a repeat winning drive for a touchdown to win the Super Bowl against the Patriots.
I love Brady, and his second lost to Eli Manning doesn't take away from his elite status. But what it does, is confirm Eli Manning's place right beside him. Many play on Eli's name, saying you can't spell Elite without Eli, but my favorite play on words is the fact you can't spell Believe without Eli.
I learned a lot from Eli this year, I learned what it truly means to believe in yourself when others don't. I learned to speak the truth about who I believe I am and perhaps it can come true. Thanks a lot Eli Manning and the NY Giants for a fantastic, fantasy year, that was in no way a fluke! And for helping me to learn that Speaking Things into Fruition is worth a ton, a serious priority for all.
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Submitted by: Jamees Wright
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