I just recently had a girl’s night out with some very old friends, new friends and friends to be, the one thing we all had in common was that we were all women. We weren’t the same age or nationality, but it was clear that we were all females. And we made the effort to get together. It made me question, “What is the value of a girl’s night out?”
Well first let me start at the very beginning. Who organized this event? It takes a special woman to organize a girl’s night out, someone with good intentions in mind, and who understands the value of a night with just the girls. And it’s not an easy feat. Point proven when it was asked during our dinner who would organize the next event, no one volunteered. So sometimes it’s the same person who organizes all the events, like I said she is a special woman with a clear understanding of the importance of getting together with her girls.
I perused the email blasts daily as the event was fine tuned, there was an excitement, a common interest, suggestions, jokes, references, we were communicating and getting together well before the dinner even took place. It was virtual fun, all done electronically. However, it’s actually showing up to the restaurant, seeing an array of beautiful smiling faces upon your arrival that can make a tough and trying week melt before your eyes.
It’s a wonderful thing to have a man’s eyes look upon you in interest or admiration, but to have a group of ladies smiling because you’re in their presence has its own unique charm. These women like you for you, and usually there is no hidden agenda, they enjoy your company, and you enjoy theirs and that is why the extra effort was made to get together. It’s even better when you’re not going boy shopping, which we weren’t it was all about the company of women who enjoy each other...how fun!
This specific occasion was only a dinner but in this short time, I learned so much. I learned about one newlywed and her plans on starting a family, another making a move to buy a place in Queens, another interviewed by Marie Claire Magazine because of her successful Ice Cream Shop. I also got some things off my chest, shared ideas, gained support and new energy towards my dreams and goals and hopefully the same was felt by others.
We also conducted a Secret Santa post dinner. As the women opened their gifts, you could see women who put real thought into their gifts. Women who thought like women and gave like women and who wanted to make another woman happy. It was said at the end of the dinner that the event was fun and successful. I thought about it on my journey home, and I had to agree this event was everything I had hoped it to be and more. I can’t wait to do it again.
In commemoration of this thought, I am volunteering to organize the next event. Why, you may ask because I truly feel that a girl’s night out weighs a ton, it’s a priority.
Weighing Girl's Night Out
Submitted by: Jamees Wright
Weight Total: 1 Ton Priority